Lisa Gopal



Lisa Gopal, India

My Journey as a Breast Cancer Survivor at 33
Lisa shares her experience and how she never gave up hope.

I am Lisa, 33 age. I am a Cancer Survivor. Sometimes life throws such a challenge at us that we go blank. We don’t understand what is happening and how to deal with it. But then you gather your courage, smile back at life, and say,” Ok Life, if you want me to fight, I will, Till the end.” It was not easy looking at my biopsy report and making myself understand that I am supposed to deal with some major challenges in life now.

It was 4 months right after my marriage, in April 2022, that I was diagnosed with Last Stage Breast Cancer. Everyone in my in-law’s family supported me. My husband said, “All I want is you, rest everything will be taken care of. Even if we don’t have a child of our own, we can adopt one. Just stay with me.”

My mother earlier was also diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in 2011 and by God’s grace she is absolutely fine now. I was supposed to go for frequent check-ups after I cross 40 as I was unaware that Cancer can happen to anyone and at any age. Then and there I made up my mind that now when the problem is diagnosed, I have to strongly come out as a Cancer Survivor.

I had neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. My PET CT scan report showed tremendous improvement as 85% of the Cancer cells were removed from my body. My Oncologist were earlier not sure about the operation but after seeing my report, they had hope that I can have mastectomy.
I was operated and still undergoing Targeted Therapy.

I don’t know what God has planned for me. But whatever HE has, I am ready for everything that HE has to offer. I thank Almighty every single day for giving me another chance to live my life to the fullest. I am grateful and feel blessed that I am surrounded by one of the best Oncologists team in our region. Also, I have best people surrounding me always, be it my family members, my friends or at my workplace.

For women who are dealing with this, All I want to say is: I know it is not going to be an easy journey. It’s not easy to deal with the emotional, mental, physical, and financial challenges, but, if we take one day at a time then life will be much easier to deal with. You have all my heart. You will come out stronger. We are together in this journey. You are not alone.

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