Frances Wand, BS
Breast Cancer Survivor-Advocate, Florida, USA
Ms. Wand lives in Tampa, Florida, and works as a Senior Robotics Automation Analyst. Ms. Wand is a breast cancer survivor, and her journey began 18 years ago in Atlanta. The challenges she faced while undergoing treatment for breast cancer at a young age provided her the strength and re-vigored a whole new perspective for a meaningful life. This led her to become a powerful voice for breast cancer survivors in the United States. She has volunteered for several breast cancer organizations such as the Susan G. Komen foundation and AVON Community Patient Navigator Program. She regularly serves as a Consumer Peer Reviewer for the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). Her other volunteer activities include breast cancer public speaking engagements as a motivational speaker, and she shares her unique outlook as a breast cancer survivor and provides a roadmap to other women to emerge as a warrior against the disease. Ms. Wand is very passionate about Cancer advocacy and is an articulate communicator who interacts with breast cancer researchers, doctors, and the public at-large in providing a better understanding of the medical, physical, and mental challenges faced by breast cancer survivors. She loves reading and traveling in her free time.