Lorna Larsen, RN, BScN


Lorna Larsen, RN, BScN

President, Team Shan, Canada

Ms. Larsen is a registered nurse and health promotion specialist with over 30 years of public health experience in the province of Ontario, Canada. Lorna brings her public health and senior management expertise to her role as President of Team Shan Breast Cancer Awareness for Young Women (Team Shan), a national charity dedicated to educating the public, health care professionals and young women about early detection, risk reduction and prevention of breast cancer. Team Shan is named after Lorna’s daughter Shanna. Shan was only 24 when she lost her life to breast cancer. Ms. Larsen shares Shan’s Story and Team Shan messaging across the country in an effort to make a difference for young women following in Shan’s footsteps. Ms. Larsen has published and presented on the issue of breast cancer in young women. She has coordinated breast cancer awareness campaigns targeting young women across Canada and advocates for AYA cancer prevention, early detection, and palliative care.

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