Liana Roodt

Liana Roodt, MBChS, FCS (SA), MMED (Surg)

Breast, Endocrine, and General Surgeon
BreastPract Pvt Ltd – Surgery with Soul
Founder and Executive Director
Project Flamingo, South Africa

Dr. Liana Roodt is a specialist general surgeon passionate about breast care and surgery. Dr Roodt obtained her MBChB from the University of Pretoria (South Africa) in 2006. She completed her internship in Cape Town at Groote Schuur Hospital and community service in Barberton, Mpumalanga. After returning to Cape Town in 2010, she worked at GF Jooste Hospital as a surgical medical officer. She completed a post-graduate certificate in Integrative Medicine at the University of Stellenbosch. It was during this time that she created Project Flamingo, a successful non-profit company, to address the long and distressing treatment waiting times faced by breast cancer patients in the public health care sector. She has become a well-known voice for breast cancer patient advocacy and care. Dr. Roodt is the executive director of Project Flamingo and the Cancer Alliance of South Africa boards. She is also a founding member and director of the Pan-African Woman Association of Surgeons.

Dr. Roodt joined the Groote Schuur Department of Surgery in 2012, where she obtained her FCS (SA) and MMed (Surgery) Cum Laude from the University of Cape Town. After qualifying as a specialist, she worked as a consultant surgeon and Fellow in the Surgical Breast and Endocrine Unit at Groote Schuur Hospital. She used this opportunity to refine her particular interest in breast surgery and gained valuable experience in managing surgical endocrine pathology, particularly thyroid and parathyroid disease. She is currently a senior surgical consultant in the Groote Schuur Breast and Endocrine Surgical Team, where she continues training pre- and post-graduate students. Dr Roodt has also been in Private Practice in Somerset West since October 2017 and has subsequently grown a unique and thriving surgical practice focused on managing breast and endocrine (in particular thyroid and parathyroid) diseases.

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