Paula Pointer



Paula Pointer, USA

Overcoming Breast Cancer with Faith and Support
With the help of her faith, an amazing support group, and a phenomenal team of healthcare professionals, Paula now living her best life 15 years later.

My name is Paula Pointer. In June of 2008, I felt a large lump in my right breast. I immediately scheduled an appointment with my OB-GYN. I had a mammogram the following week and was then scheduled for a biopsy. The results of the biopsy confirmed my worst fears!

Stage III breast cancer. After being referred to an oncologist, my treatment plan was established. Because of the large size of the mass, it was determined that I would receive chemo first. The treatments would be given bi-weekly for the next 3 months followed by a mastectomy and then radiation. My next step was to have a port placed in my chest for the IV treatments to be administered. After this procedure, reality set in. A wide range of emotions began to overwhelm me. Fear, sadness, and anger were at the forefront. I was told of the potential side effects of the chemo. I chose to have my dreads cut off because I could not bear the thought of watching my hair fall out in my hands. I prayed and asked God to be with me through my journey! The side effects of the chemo were brutal. Of course, there was the hair loss. I also experienced discolored fingernails and toenails and large blisters on the soles of my feet! Even in the midst of it all, I never missed a day of work. Working was the therapy that helped me make it through each day. Along with the grace of God! A few weeks before my surgery, my sister Rachel saw a roadblock with women who were breast cancer survivors doing outreach. She gave them my information and they reached out to me. The support group is called “Steel Magnolias”! They provided items that helped after my surgery such as belts to wear to place drain bulbs in, prosthetics, bras, and most of all emotional support! My surgery was a right mastectomy. Thank God there was no Lymph node involvement. The surgeon said that the chemo shrank the mass successfully and that I would need only a few rounds of radiation. I was blessed to have a phenomenal team of nurses and physicians! Now almost 15 years after my diagnosis, I remain cancer free and living my “Best Life.” I thank God for his grace and mercy and for placing so many angels to minister to me on my journey. Yes, I am still an active member of “Steel Magnolias,” breast cancer support group!

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