Therese Curry, BA


Therese Curry, BA

Breast Cancer Survivor-Advocate, Long Island, New York, USA

Therese Curry is a breast cancer survivor and a huge advocate for young women with breast cancer. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from Towson University and 14 years of professional experience in corporate America, specializing in human resources and recruiting. She has worked for a Big 4 accounting firm for 9 years and resides in Long Island, New York.

In 2018, by performing a self-breast exam at just 31 years old, she found a lump and was dismissed by a reputable breast doctor due to her age. Even though she had no family history of breast cancer and tested negative for all genetic mutations, she trusted her gut and went for a second opinion. A biopsy confirmed she had Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer.

She was diagnosed just 6 weeks after her wedding and had to go through fertility preservation before starting chemotherapy. She was treated at Weill Cornell and Mount Sinai in New York City. She completed 6 rounds of chemotherapy followed by a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction surgery. She finished antibody infusions every three weeks that year and was on a hormone blocker medication, Tamoxifen. She wasn’t going to let breast cancer take away her dream of becoming a mother, and with the support of her doctors, she naturally conceived her daughter Abigail Hope in 2022.

Breast cancer in young women is increasing at an alarming rate, and over the past 5 years, Therese has met countless young women diagnosed in their 20s and 30s, some of whom are metastatic and still fighting this horrible disease. She is frustrated by the current research and screening guidelines for younger women and is keen to make a difference. She is passionate about helping others through breast cancer and is hopeful this foundation will move mountains and get to the root cause of this disease and save lives.

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